Classes for all ages!

Use the drop down menu to see specifics on each class. You can also click the buttons below to go directly to the corresponding page. The calendar link shows the times and days for all our classes
We look forward to seeing you in class!
Free trial classes for a week!
Ages 4 - 7Our Little Dragons are taught the fundamentals of martial arts, including kicks, strikes, and basic self defense. It's a half hour class that meets once a week. Respect and discipline are a part of every class, and students are encouraged to use these principles throughout their daily lives.
Ages 8 - 12Students in this class learn the same material as the teens and adults, advancing in the official ranks of our style of karate. The classes and methods of teaching are designed for their age, making classes both fun and educational. Students will learn kata, self defense, one steps, and sparring.
Ages 13 - 19Everyone knows that teenagers get along best with other teenagers. This class provides them with the best environment to learn. They will be challenged physically and mentally as they learn kata, self defense and sparring. Students will have the opportunity to compete in both kata and sparring.
Ages 20+Designed for adults who want to stay in shape, this class is a perfect way to learn critical self defense. Kata and sparring are also a part of the curriculum, making each class a great cardio workout. Meeting only twice a week, this class is a great way to keep up with your fitness and health.